Lowell Cultural Council



Lowell Cultural Council

We are so thankful to the Lowell Cultural Council and the Massachusetts Cultural Council for their grant award for Spring 2024. As part of Spirit week at the Butler, fifth and sixth graders who read the book Invisible will be attending a virtual author visit on March 26th.  We learned of an author Christina Diaz Gonzalez, who is Latina, along with her Illustrator, Gabriela Epstein. Her virtual visits from Miami have time for Q & A from the students, and she can do some or all of the talk in a Bilingual way. We already have two of this author’s fiction novels in our library. We have purchased a class set of her graphic novel, Invisible so that many students could read the book before her visit.  Grade 5-6 WIN with Mrs. Donoghue in the Library, have been reading the book and writing out questions for the author.