- Lowell Early Childhood Hub
- Positive Solutions For Families
Positive Solutions for Families
The Early Childhood Department, in collaboration with many community partners, offers a six-week parenting series for parents and caregivers two times per year. This interactive series provides families with information on how to promote young children’s social and emotional learning. Parents will develop skills to help them understand their child’s behavior and fill their tool box with a range of positive approaches to helping their child develop social and emotional skills that support friendship and learning.
Classes are offered for free, in the evening, with child care and dinner provided. However, due to Covid 19 this year all classes will be offered via ZOOM. Priority is given to Lowell residents and CFCE family members.
If you are interested in signing up or learning more about our upcoming parenting series contact Laura Valdez email lvaldez@lowell.K12.ma.us
Social scripted stories and book list for young children
Positive Solutions powerpoint slides for each of the 6 sessions
Parenting Classes in Lowell are available in collaboration partners at NFI Family Resources. For information on Spring offerings Click here.