School News & Announcements

  • Shaughnessy Sharks are- safe, high achievers, accountable, respectful, and kind

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  • IT Help Desk

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  • Open up a savings account for your child with Jeanne D'Arc Credit Union M3 Money Club!

    School visits on- 9/25/24, 10/9/24, 10/23/24, 11/6/24, 11/20/24, 12/4/24, 12/18/24, 1/15/25, 1/29/25, 2/12/25, 2/26/25, 3/12/25, 3/26/25, 4/9/25, 5/7/25, and 5/21/25. 

    For more information, please reach out to our secretary, Mrs. Silva

    Jeanne Darc banking

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Attendance is Important! posters
  • Children MUST remain home if they have any of the following

    • A contagious illness like Chicken Pox, the flu, or strep throat, until the doctor says it's safe to return, or the child has been on antibiotics for 24 hours. 
    • A rash or skin condition not diagnosed by a doctor. 
    • A fever that causes chills, sweating, or muscle aches
    • A temperature over 100.0º F within the past 24 hours
    • Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours
    • Red or pink eye(s), or drainage from eyes
    • Head lice (live lice)
    • Have been notified by the school nurse/ health department that immunizations are not up-to-date (exclusion notice is given after 3rd warning) 
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  • A child CAN return to school when

    • A child is fever free for 24 hours without the use of medication
    • A child must be symptom free for 24 hours.
    • A child with a diagnosis of strep throat, impetigo or conjunctivitis must be on medication for 24 hours before returning to school. 
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District News