At Butler, every student thrives. We are committed to creating a vibrant learning community where each student receives rigorous, meaningful instruction, achieves measurable growth, and develops personally and academically. Our vision is for all students to leave each school year stronger, more engaged, and prepared to excel in their education and contribute positively to society.
At Butler, every student thrives. We are committed to creating a vibrant learning community where each student receives rigorous, meaningful instruction, achieves measurable growth, and develops personally and academically. Our vision is for all students to leave each school year stronger, more engaged, and prepared to excel in their education and contribute positively to society.
  • Connect with the Butler Middle School

    1. Download the REMIND App: This is our school-wide announcement and messaging system where you can connect with teachers, staff, and school administrators.

    2. Follow Us on Instagram: Stay updated with the latest news and events by following us at @thebutlermiddleschool.

    3. Like Our Facebook Page: Join our community on Facebook to stay informed about school activities and updates.

    4. Contact the Main Office: You can reach us during operating hours at (978) 937-8973.

    5. Email Us: For specific inquiries, contact us at

School Overview

    • 1140 Gorham Street, Lowell, MA

      Tel: 978-937-8973

      Principal: Mrs. Jaime Moody

      Asst. Principal: Mr. David Hochheiser
      Asst. Principal: Ms. Donna Maluccio

      Early Bell: 8:00
      Tardy Bell: 8:15
      Dismissal Bell: 2:50

      Grades: 5 - 8

    • Zone: 2


  • LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT: We would like to acknowledge that the land we live, work, and learn on is the original homeland of the Pennacook communities with the Pawtucket Village and Wamesit Village.

Family Resources

District News