- The Career Academy
- Meeting Notes
School Site Council Meeting March 17th, 2020
Posted by Lauren Campion on 3/17/2020
Megan O’Loughlin (co-chair), Lauren Campion (co-chair), Jennifer Drivas (teacher), Rhea Gordon (community partner), Contribution to QIP goals & objectives by Ana Esteves (parent)
Goal of Meeting: Review Career Academy Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) objectives and working document
- Review Mission and Vision
- Create Core Values and Commitments
- Additions to Goals and Objectives:
- Climate Committee, peer observations and collaborations
- Data summit on MCAS, credit attainment, graduation, rethinking discipline and other DESE conference
- STEM intervention for 9thand 10th graders in STEM classes rather than pullout pilot based on MCAS data, Academic discourse, implement writing across content areas using iReady data
- Roadmap review 3x per year with teachers and college/career partners
- identifying community partner programs that match with student needs.
- Review of budget priorities:
- Mental health and college and career with general fund
- Math instruction- add tutors or sub for full time para
- Continued investment in technology and curriculum