Moody Elementary School
Welcome to the Fourth Grade!
Miss Reynolds and Mr Ibarguen
Children get so excited to go shopping for a new school year! Some of the best prices are found at Walmart starting early in August! We hope everyone enjoys their summer.
The first day of school SUGGESTED SUPPLY LIST
Quantity Description
1 Box Crayons 12 count
2 Boxes Markers Whiteboard Markers
2 packages Glue Sticks
5 Pocket Folders In solid colors (No Graphics)
3 Packages Ticondaroga (lead doesn’t break easily)
Sharpened Pencils #2 yellow (no mechanical pencils)
2 Large Boxes Tissues
For classroom use, extras welcome
1 Scissors Child’s scissors
3 Composition Also called marble notebooks
2 Notebooks (No Graphics) Green and Blue
1 -2 Headphones/Earbuds Avoid Five-Below brands they quickly fall apart (may need to be replaced)
2 Highlighters Yellow
1 Water Bottle
* Wipes are greatly appreciated!