- Stoklosa Middle School
- Fall Sports (2023)
Lowell High School
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We would like to take this moment to welcome you to Lowell High School. We are just one of the many departments here at Lowell High School offering your student an opportunity to participate in an extracurricular activity! For those who are interested in pursuing athletics, there are many great options. We encourage all students to explore athletics. Don't worry if you do not have experience in a sport - our coaches will help you develop your skills!
Below we have outlined some of the details of our department as well as attaching a packet with further detail.
Athletic Department Office Staff:Director of Athletics, Scott Ouellet - souellet@lowell.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant, Patti Crabtree - pcrabtree@lowell.k12.ma.us
Equipment Manager, Chuck Bolianites
Athletic Trainer, Kelsey Evjie - kevjie@lowell.k12.ma.us
Athletic Trainer, Kevin Dunham - kdunham@lowell.k12.ma.us
What sports are offered in the fall season?
Fall 2023 Sports
- Cheerleading
- Crew (Boys)
- Crew (Girls)
- Cross Country (Boys)
- Cross Country (Girls)
- Field Hockey
- Football
- Golf
- Soccer(Boys)
- Soccer(Girls)
- Swim and Dive (Girls)
- Volleyball (Girls)
What should I do so that I am ready to participate this fall?
Register for your sport on Family ID!!! (with parent/guardian) https://www.familyid.com/organizations/lowell-high-school
- Make sure you have a valid, in-person physical exam. Physicals are valid for 13 months to the date according to MA State Law (an exam administered on 9/30/2022 is valid until 10/30/2023)
- Call your Dr. office to find out what date you had your last exam. Is it valid? Preferably, a copy of the physical should be uploaded into your Family ID account to expedite approval. However, your Dr office can fax to our main office - (978)-937-8902 Attention Lowell High Athletic Department - Patti Crabtree.
I have additional questions, who should I contact?
FALL SPORTS Luna, Alyssa Cheerleading Fall - Varsity (Head Coach) aluna@lowell.k12.ma.us Lumbard, KC Fall and Spring (Head Coach) kclumbard@lowell.k12.ma.us Oulellet, Scott Cross Country - Boys Varsity (Head Coach) souellet@lowell.k12.ma.us McKenney, Mary Beth Cross Country - Girls Varsity (Head Coach) mbmckenney@lowell.k12.ma.us Kattar, Lisa Field Hockey - Girls Varsity (Head Coach) lkattar@lowell.k12.ma.us Shyhiem Cullen Football Varsity (Head Coach) scullen@lowell.k12.ma.us Barry, Brian Golf - Varsity (Head Coach) bbarry@lowell.k12.ma.us Bettencourt, Bill Soccer - Boys Varsity (Head Coach) bbettencourt@lowell.k12.ma.us Jason Monahan Soccer - Girls Varsity (Head Coach) jfmonahan@comcast.net McGlauflin, Jen Swimming - Girls Varsity (Head Coach) jmcglauflin@lowell.k12.ma.us Cordero, Marina Volleyball - Girls Varsity (Head Coach) mtobrien@lowell.k12.ma.us Rapone, Lenny Unified Basketball - Varsity (Head Coach) lrapone@lowell.k12.ma.us