• Expect the Best!  

    We, the Murkland School staff, are a group of professionals who share a common belief that a knowledgeable teacher can support all students in achieving high standards.  As knowledgeable teachers, we value both a deep understanding of content and a common approach to addressing standards in a student-centered environment.  As a staff, we are committed to exploring effective pedagogy through lesson study, developing habits for noticing and responding to students' oral and written output, and encouraing students to ask questions that are relevant to them.  We recognize that these efforts can only be successful in the long term if we work as a collaborative and aligned body of individuals.  To this end, we strive to listen to and understand one another, take risks and reflect on what we've learned, and share ownership of the outcomes.


    Murkland "CHEER!"

    Commitment to growth
    Energy and Enthusiasm

Murkland PRIDE