- McAvinnue Elementary School
- Overview
Parental Engagement
"Every school will promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of children."
Lowell Public Schools continues its commitment to establishing, strengthening and expanding ongoing, effective school/family partnerships. Our goal is to support adults as lifelong learners and to provide a variety of opportunities that invite parents to become actively involved as their child’s teacher, supporter, communicator and advocate. Together, parents, schools and community build shared responsibility for supporting student achievement.
- Involve parents in the joint development and review of written annual plans, policies and procedures regarding:
- Unified District, Programs and School Improvement Plans
- School/Family Compacts
- Convene an annual meeting to discuss and disseminate Parents' Right to Know Information regarding:
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) goals
- MCAS proficiency levels
- DESE School Accountability Information
- Parental Rights to Know
- Quality Improvement Plan
- School Curriculum and Programs
- School/Family Compacts
- Information on ESSA legislation
- Highly Qualified Staff
- School Choice Opportunities
- Disseminate, discuss, and have the School/Family Compact signed through the:
- Annual Meeting / Open House
- Written communication
- Parent / Teacher Conference
- Schedule at least one parent-teacher conference and provide additional meeting opportunities to discuss:
- Individual student's progress in meeting state performance standards
- Individual student's progress in class
- Assessments used at the school
- School/family issues that may be impacting student's performance/behavior
- Parental questions and concerns regarding academic student areas
- Ensure that information is available in other languages.
- Send home progress reports and report cards as scheduled.
- Build capacity for strong parental involvement through activities such as:
- Workshops
- School-based activities and Events
- Volunteer opportunities
- Parenting sessions
- Additional, flexible meeting times
- Coordinate/integrate parent involvement strategies with programs such as:
- Adult Basic Education
- Family Literacy Center
- Special Education
- Early Childhood
- Head Start
- Provide opportunities to participate in the:
- ELL Education Meeting
- School Site Council (SSC)
- Special Education Parent Council
- Citywide Parent Council (CPC)
- Conduct a Needs Assessment and Evaluation to:
- Determine effectiveness of parent participation
- Identify barriers to increase parent participation
- Use findings to design improvement strategies
- Involve parents in the joint development and review of written annual plans, policies and procedures regarding: