Team 73/83



Degrees and Certifications:

Kayla Dean

7th & 8th Science

Hi there! I'm Ms. Dean. Science has been a passion of mine since I was in first grade (except for bugs!). This is my 6th year teaching at the Wang. I graduated from Westfield State University in 2011 with a Bachelors of Science in Biology. I look forward to helping the 7th and 8th grade students think like scientists and have a fun year of hands on learning!



Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Rachel Keller

7/8 ELA Teacher

I taught 7th grade ELA for 8 years in Chelsea and 1 year in Boston before joining the 7/8 team here at the Wang. I am passionate about teaching, and learning from, our students!




Degrees and Certifications:

Alison Kuzara

7th & 8th Social Studies

Hello! I’m Ms. Kuzara, and I began teaching Social Studies at the Wang Middle School in 2018. History and cultures have been my passion since my own middle school days, and I enjoy sharing that enthusiasm with my students. I enjoy being outside in my spare time, and have been practicing my piano and flute skills more recently. (I'm not great, but it's fun!) 



Degrees and Certifications:

Samantha Hamilton

7th & 8th Math