Welcome to the McAvinnue Elementary School Parent/Teacher Group (PTG) page! The PTG is a combination of parents and teachers working together. Our goal is to make McAvinnue an amazing place where students thrive in all areas! The goal is that we meet one evening per month to discuss the needs of our school.
McAvinnue's PTG works very hard to raise money to support the school. The money we raise through fundraising goes right back to the students in the form of technology, field trips, sports equipment, spirit wear, after-school activities, scholarships, etc. There are numerous reasons to become a PTG member, in particular helping the our students and working to create a stronger school community.
The Benefits of Parents Being Involved in Schools:
Decades of research have shown that when parents are involved in their children’s education, children are more likely to:
- Earn better grades
- Score higher on tests
- Attend school regularly
- Have better social skills
- Show improved behavior
- Be more positive in their attitude toward school
- Complete homework assignments
- Graduate and continue their education
If you are interested in joining McAvinnue's Parent/Teacher Group (PTG), please contact Mr. Domina at the school or send him an email at mdomina@lowell.k12.ma.us.