• Dress Code


    It is expected that all students in Lowell Public Schools will be appropriately attired while in school. In keeping with the preceding, dress that tends to disrupt the class or contributes to a safety hazard in class is prohibited. In the spirit of maintaining an orderly and safe learning environment, students are prohibited from wearing any article of clothing or carrying any backpack or other accessory which is lewd, which promotes violence or hate for any individuals or groups, or which degrades the beliefs of others. Also prohibited is the wearing of studded accessories, jewelry or chains, which could be utilized as weapons. 

    Students who violate this policy will be directed to remove the offensive or unsafe items before being allowed to remain in school. Students who refuse to adhere with this policy will be in violation of school rules and penalized accordingly. 

    Students are not permitted to wear the following:

     Any apparel that hinders identification to include all head coverings. This includes but is not limited to: hats, hoods, bandanas, wave caps, doo rags, skull caps. (Exceptions will be made for documented religious or medical reasons or identified disabilities.)

     Gang-related clothing, articles, symbols, or visible gang tattoos

     Clothing or jewelry that relates to drugs, alcohol, or has a sexual connotation

     Oversized or sagging clothing

     Sunglasses

     Jewelry that could cause injury

     Any other dress that distracts, disrupts, intimidates, or provokes can be deemed inappropriate by the Principal or his designee. 

    Please Note: While participating in physical education, students are required to be dressed in proper gym clothing; sneakers, socks, T-shirts, and shorts.


    Hats and Coats

    In addition to the above regarding proper dress, students are not permitted to wear hats and coats in classrooms, corridors or public school assemblies. Modifications to the dress policy, hat policy and coat policy may be issued by the Principal when necessitated by extenuating circumstances such as medical or religious reasons and extremely hot/cold weather. Students must put all hats in their coat rack prior to the start of school. Students found wearing hats will have the hat confiscated until the end of the day or be given the opportunity to put the hat in the coat rack. Subsequent offenses may result in further disciplinary action and long term confiscation.