• Washington’s At-Home Reading Program

    Dear Parent or Guardian,

    Reading is such an important part of all we do. With the addition of the new Common Core Standards, the expectations and rigor has risen at all grade levels. In order to support our learners, we are including reading as part of homework at all grade levels.

    Rather than following the typical Monday to Thursday plan, we will use a weekly log to record minutes read and are expecting all of our K-4 students to read at least 4 times per week. They will have weekends to help them accomplish this goal.   Grade level expectations are as follows:

    Kindergarten and Grade 1:            10-15 minutes/at least 4 times per week

    Grade 2:                               15-20 minutes/at least 4 times a week

    Grades 3 & 4:                          20-30 minutes/at least four times a week

    Each time they read, they will mark the minutes on the log provided by their teacher and will keep a record of books read.

    The log should be kept in their blue communication folder at all times. Each Friday, they will share their accomplishments for the past week, and receive a new log. At the end of each month, all students that complete their reading assignments for the month, as well as their regular homework, will be part of the 100% Homework Club and will have a chance to win a $10.00 Five Below Gift Card!

    Parent support is needed for this to be successful! Parents should monitor reading and sign the weekly log before it is handed in on Friday. Parents are also encouraged to read to and with their children, especially our beginning readers. Students may use personal books, library books, Raz-Kids, internet sources to support this endeavor. If your child needs additional materials, please ask.

    Help us to nourish good reading habits and to reinforce skills needed for school success! Please sign and return the bottom portion of this notice indicating that you have received and read this important notice.

    Students that have 100% Homework for September will receive a special reading bracelet!

    Ms. Cunningham/Principal   (keep the top part at home to refer to)

    ___   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____   ____  

    Washington’s At-Home Reading Program

    Child’s Name: ________________­­­_________________   Grade: __________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________

    Translation available on our website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/Domain/29