- STEM Academy
- English Learners
Meet the English Learners Team

Degrees and Certifications:
Kristen Crotty
Miss Crotty, English Learner (EL) Teacher - 1st and 2nd Grade
Contact: Email kcotty@lowell.k12.ma.us
My favorite things to do include, spending time with my daughter Samantha, my husband Ricky, and our dog, Cheresa. My favorite place to visit is Disney World. I love doing colorguard, (performing to music with flags) and I coach both the STEM and Lowell High Colorguard teams. I also love animals, music, cooking, playing games, arts and crafts, and teaching.
We are STEM SHARKS. What is your favorite shark?

Degrees and Certifications:
Christine Keenan
Miss Keenan, Grade 2
Contact: Email ckeenan@lowell.k12.ma.us
I grew up in Lowell and I have been working in the schools since 2011. I enjoy traveling, hiking, reading a good book at the beach and spending time with my family, friends and my dog, Maverick.

Degrees and Certifications:
Lisa Maniscalco
Miss Maniscalco - English Learners (EL) Teacher - 5th and 6th Grade
Contact: Class Dojo, email lmaniscalco@lowell.k12.ma.us
I have spent my whole career in the Lowell Public Schools. As a Lowellian myself, these families have my heart and I truly love my job. I feel as though I am meant to be an English language teacher to our students and love connecting with those who are new to the country. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my nieces and family, seeing friends, going to the beach, and listening to music or going to concerts. I also can't resist a couple scoops of my favorite ice cream! :)
We are STEM Sharks. Do you have a favorite shark type? Why is it your favorite?
My favorite shark? Ones that stay far, far, FAR away!!!

Degrees and Certifications:
Emily Millett
Miss Millett, English Learners (EL) 3rd and 4th Grade
Contact: Email EmilyMillett@lowell.k12.ma.us
This is my 1st year teaching at the STEM Academy and my 12th year working in Lowell Public Schools. I love baking, traveling for different kinds of food, and playing with my nephew. I am very excited to meet and work with a whole new school of students this year!
We are STEM Sharks. Do you have a favorite shark type? Why is it your favorite?
A leopard shark, because they are one of the friendliest types of shark and I like their patterns!

Degrees and Certifications:
Corinne Ospina
Mrs. Ospina, English Learner (EL) Teacher
Contact: Email cospina@lowell.k12.ma.us
This is my 3rd year at the STEM Academy and my 1st year teaching English Language Learners. I am lucky to have worked with many of your students as I have taught 4th and 1st grades in previous years. I am excited about working with you and your students this year!
In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our 3 boys. We like traveling, hiking, cooking and baking. We love to try new foods from all different ethnicities.