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2023 Kathryn P. Stoklosa Knowledge Bowl
In an exciting finals match, the Daley Middle School prevailed to earn the 2023 Knowledge Bowl championship!
The Knowledge Bowl was established in 1988 for the purpose of engaging students from all nine middle schools in a challenging academic competition.
The Kathryn P. Stoklosa Knowledge Bowl is a competition that continues to evolve and become more exciting each year.
Each school team works with 2 coaches and started preparing for this competition in November. Up until the competition began, teams reviewed practice questions in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, the Arts and Current Events.
Competition Schedule
Preliminary Rounds
Date Time Location
March 6th 5:30 PM Butler School
- Daley - 375
- STEM Academy - 170
- Robinson - 90
March 7th 5:30 PM Butler School
- Bartlett - 240
- Pyne Arts - 290
- Stoklosa - 230
March 9th 5:30 PM Butler School
- Butler - 135
- Sullivan - 200
- Wang - 415
Coaches and team members are asked to report at 5:15 p.m. for each night of the competition. At the completion of the first three matches, total points for all schools will be calculated. Schools will then be ranked accordingly and proceed to the semifinals in the following order:
- Wang
- Daley
- Pyne Arts
- Bartlett
- Stoklosa
- Sullivan
- STEM Academy
- Butler
- Robinson
Semifinal Rounds
March 13th 5:30 PM Butler School
- (1) Wang - 355
- (5) Stoklosa - 365
- (9) Robinson - 80
March 16th 5:30 PM Butler School
- (2) Daley - 410
- (6) Sullivan - 235
- (7) STEM Academy - 210
March 20th 5:30 PM Butler School
- (3) Pyne Arts - 205
- (4) Bartlett - 190
- (8) Butler - 145
The winning team from each semifinal round will advance to the finals.
Final Round
March 21st 5:30 PM Butler School
- (2) Daley - 320 WINNER
- (5) Stoklosa - 265
- (3) Pyne Arts - 205