- Lowell High School
- Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are a normal means for parents/guardians to coordinate after-school activities, schedules, and transportation issues. However, in the classroom cell phones are a distraction, taking away from the educational process by decreasing classroom engagement, hindering student communication, negatively impacting school culture, and limiting student success. Recognizing this reality the following policy will apply to cell phones within the school:
Prohibited Cell Phone Use–No cell phones in the classroom. Upon entering class, cell phones (and other electronic devices) must be turned off and cell phones must be put into the designated classroom container. No cell phone use is allowed while out on hall pass during class time.
Allowed Cell Phone Use–Advisory; in the hallway during class changing time; and in the cafeteria during assigned lunch. The cell phone privilege must not interfere with students arriving to class on time.
Any student who repeatedly violates the cell phone policy will have his or her phone confiscated, lose the privilege to carry a cell phone in school, and the parent will need to come collect the phone and discuss the potential disciplinary action.
Photography and videography are prohibited in school or on school grounds without prior permission. Use of the cell phone in unauthorized ways to include inappropriate picture taking or filming, harassing and bullying behavior or a complete disregard for the policy could result in more serious actions such as referral to the alternative school and/or possible expulsion.
Cell Phone Policy Announcement
New Cell Phone Policy at Lowell High School As of January 24, 2024, Lowell High School has implemented its new cell phone policy. Students are no longer allowed to have their cell phones out during any class. We understand that students and families may have questions or concerns about this new policy. I have included video resources in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me at the number below and I would be happy to answer your questions.
A partir del 24 de enero de 2024, Lowell High School implementó su nueva política de telefonía celular. A los estudiantes ya no se les permite sacar sus teléfonos celulares durante ninguna clase. Entendemos que los estudiantes y las familias puedan tener preguntas o inquietudes sobre esta nueva política. He incluido a continuación recursos de video en inglés, español y portugués. Si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse conmigo al número incluido al final del correo electrónico y con gusto responderé sus preguntas. Gracias.
Em 24 de janeiro de 2024, a Lowell High School implementou sua nova regra de celular. Os alunos não podem mais ficar com o celular na mão durante nenhuma aula. Entendemos que estudantes e famílias possam ter dúvidas ou preocupações sobre esta nova regra. Incluí abaixo recursos de vídeo em inglês, espanhol e português. Se você tiver dúvidas, sinta-se à vontade para entrar em contato comigo pelo número abaixo e terei prazer em responder suas perguntas. Obrigado.