- Lowell Public Schools
- Key Elements
Key Elements
Overarching Goal Areas:
- Improve academic achievement at every LPS school site.
- Improve operational efficiency across LPS.
- Ensure that every LPS school enjoys a safe and welcoming culture.
- Increase LPS community engagement and empower families as partners.
Key Elements: Core Beliefs, Fundamental Commitments, Strategy and Strategic Priorities:
Core Beliefs:
- A high-quality education is a fundamental civil right of every child.
- Teaching and Learning is the core of work.
- Families are and students’ first teachers.
- Sustainable school improvement requires hard and steady work over time.
- Every adult in the system is accountable for the success of all students; the entire community is responsible for their success.
Fundamental Commitments:
- Eliminate the racial, ethnic and linguistic achievement and opportunity gaps among all students.
- Provide equitable funding and resources among the district’s diverse schools.
- Engage all families with courtesy, dignity, respect and cultural understanding.
- Employing differentiated levels of autonomy.
- Implementing systemic and instructional alignment.
- Empowering students and families through choice.
- Ensuring reciprocal accountability by all stakeholders.
Strategic Priorities:
- Increasing access to early learning opportunities.
- Increasing access to high-performing seats.
- Aligning secondary programming with post-secondary opportunities.
- Leveraging the rich diversity of the Lowell community to serve the interests of LPS students.