About Our Department

  • The Office of Personnel & Recruitment, as owner of Pillar 3 of the LPS Five-Year Strategic Plan, works to ensure that each Lowell public school has highly-qualified, effective teachers and leaders and that our human capital strategy is in alignment with our Lowell Public Schools Five Year Strategic Plan.  


    The Office of Personnel and Recruitment strives to develop and implement a comprehensive program serving the Lowell Public Schools community, by ensuring that our schools are staffed with highly qualified educators and that our recruitment efforts are designed to build a diverse workforce, in all collective bargaining units, reflective of our student body.   


    Are you currently a Lowell Public Schools paraprofessional interested in becoming a teacher?  We have developed a number of paths into the classroom, including the Community to Paraprofessional Development Program.  If you are a paraprofessional, community member, adult education student, or high school senior interested in becoming an LPS teacher, see Become A Teacher for more information about CPDP. 


    Lowell Teacher Academy is a multi-year induction program, operated in a unique collaborative partnership between the Lowell Public Schools Office of Personnel & Recruitment and the United Teachers of Lowell.  Lowell Teacher Academy (LTA,) is an integral part of the work of the Lowell Public Schools. The Academy’s mission is to provide all of our educators with a comprehensive program that advances their personal and professional learning, leading to expert practice, beginning when teachers are in their first three years of practice.  For more information, please see Lowell Teacher Academy.


Mandated Fingerprinting

Contact Us

  • 978-674-4327

    James Hall
    Assistant Superintendent of Operations

    Sophorn Keo
    Executive Secretary

    email: skeo@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • General Inquiries
    • Personnel Reports
    • Offer Letters
    • Offboarding Processes

    Mariana Cardenas
    Administrative Assistant

    email: mcardenas@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • General Inquiries

    Ruth Holland
    Administrative Assistant

    email: rholland@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • General Inquiries

    Vanessa Tamayo
    Administrative Assistant

    email: vtamayo@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • CORI Forms
    • Fingerprinting and Suitability
    • Course Reimbursements
    • Substitute Workshops
    • Onboarding of Tutors, Day to Day Substitutes, Adult Ed Instructors

    Kristin Robinson
    HR Generalist for Food Services

    email: klrobinson@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • All inquiries for Food Service Employees and Applicants

    Evan McHugh
    HR Generalist, District

    email: ejmchugh@lowell.k12.ma.us


    Angela Say
    HR Generalist, District

    email: asay@lowell.k12.ma.us

    • General Inquiries
    • FMLA requests
    • Degree/Lane change inquiries
    • Onboarding/ Hiring Processes of New Employees
    • Status Changes for Payroll
    • Time Off Accruals
    • Step Inquiries
    • Job Postings