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Latest COVID-19 Guidelines and Policies
Dear Lowell Public Schools Families and Staff,
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back to school on August 31 (Sept 7 for PreK and Kindergartners) for the start of the 2022-2023 school year!
We would like to take this time to share the latest COVID-19 guidelines and policies:
- There will be no more in-school testing or contact tracing and schools will be distributing one last at-home testing kit, which will expire Sept. 29.
- Masks are not required (except for in the school nurse’s office), but staff and students who wish to wear a mask may do so.
- Students and staff who do have a positive case of COVID-19 must stay out of school for a minimum of five days, but may return if symptoms improve on days 6-10 if they wear a high-quality mask.
The Centers for Disease Control’s latest COVID-19 guidance can be found here:http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/isolation.html
We ask that you continue to stress good hygiene habits to your children, such as thorough hand washing and coughing into their elbows when they cough, and ask them not to share cups or water bottles with friends.
We strongly encourage all who are able to do so to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and subsequent boosters. We are thankful to our partners at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, who provided vaccinations at our Back-to-School Block Party, which was attended by more than 3,000 people. To find a location to receive a vaccine or booster, as well as additional information about the vaccine, visit: https://www.lowellma.gov/1523/COVID-19-Vaccine
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a fantastic school year!