- Lowell Public Schools
- Transportation
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If you are looking to set up transportation for next school year, you can start submitting our online transportation form on July 1, 2024. Transportation forms must be updated by July 31 for the next school year - no exceptions.
In the event a child‘s bus is late, regular education parents should contact NRT Bus Company at 978-323-0101, and press #5. Any questions relating to special needs students should be forwarded to Pridestar Transport at 978-856-7401.Use the Online Transportation Form for:
- Initial requests for school bus transportation
- Home address changes *
- Alternate addresses for pickup/drop off (i.e. daycare)
*All home/alternate addresses are subject to zone restrictions
School bus transportation is provided to students in grades K-4, who live greater than .75 mile from their residence or alternate address to their assigned school. Middle school students (grades 5-8) must live greater than 1.5 miles from their residence or alternate address to their assigned school.
Kindergarten though 4th grade, students will receive a printed bus pass via postal mail. Students in grades 5 through 8 will access their bus information from the Bus Lookup tool below and entering their Student ID for the username and date of birth for the password. Parents may print the bus information however a hard copy is not needed for students in these grades.
All students enrolled in Charter or Parochial schools will continue to receive their printed bus passes via postal mail. All requests and/or changes to transportation for students attending Charter and Parochial Schools must be completed through the Online Transportation Form.
If your child already accesses transportation, and no changes are needed for the upcoming school year, no additional action is needed on your part.
New requests and/or changes to the morning or afternoon bus stops will take 48 hours to commence.
Kindergarten and 1st grader students must have an older sibling (4th grade or older) or parent present at the bus stop in the afternoon in order to depart from the school bus. If a parent or older sibling is not present, the student will be brought to the Moody School, located at 158 Rogers Street. A driver’s license or valid identification must be presented to the staff in order to dismiss the student.
*All LPS students must first change their home address with the Family Resource Center and provide the required documentation before requesting changes in transportation.
Transportation Information Session Recording - 8/17/22
Contact Us
Kaitlin Sharry
Transportation DirectorPhone: 978-674-4333
Email: ksharry@lowell.k12.ma.usPamela Macquarrie
Transportation Routing SpecialistEmail: pmacquarrie@lowell.k12.ma.us
Elsa Sanchez
Transportation ClerkEmail: esanchez@lowell.k12.ma.us
Samantha Robinson
Administrative AssistantEmail: sbrobinson@lowell.k12.ma.us