Teaching in Lowell Public Schools


    Internship Packet (Additional Teacher License)


    Internship Packet (Administrative License)


    Renewing Your PROFESSIONAL License



    License Information:

    Educators, including teachers, support personnel, and administrators, are required to hold a license issued by the Massachusetts Department of Secondary and Elementary Education in order to be eligible to teach in a Massachusetts public school. It is the educator’s personal responsibility to maintain a current license for the position in which they are employed.  Recertification guidelines and helpful links to information are provided on the DESE website: www.doe.mass.edu/recert


    For educators who do not yet hold a professional license, guidance is available on the DESE website:  www.doe.mass.edu/educators/e_license.html.  This site directs educators to a variety of resources to assist with the process of proceeding along the continuum of requirements to move from a temporary or preliminary license to an initial license and from an initial license to an extension or professional license.  Please note that due to the volume of applications, the DESE takes about four to six months to review and approve these licensure upgrades.  As a result, it is vital that educators apply in ample time to ensure a valid license for employment in a Massachusetts public school.



    Educators are encouraged to pursue activities that lead to an additional license in a new field.  The purpose of Lowell’s Procedures and Criteria is to establish a comprehensive understanding of an educator’s work, support the professional development of these educators, and assure accountability.  Developing additional skills as a classroom teacher begins with the recognition that teaching is an extremely complex process, certain aspects of which can be studied, understood, described, and assessed in terms of standards, indicators, and attributes of elements.


    Preparation of Administrative Leaders:

    Educators are encouraged to pursue leadership activities that lead to professional licensure as principal/assistant principal and either initial or professional licensure as a supervisor and/or director. The purpose of Lowell’s Procedures and Criteria is to establish a comprehensive understanding of an administrator’s work, support the
    professional development of aspiring and new administrators, and assure accountability.  Developing educational leadership begins with the recognition that administrative leadership is an extremely complex process, certain aspects of which can be studied, understood, described, and assessed in terms of standards, indicators, and attributes of