About Us

  • The Student Resource Center works toward the goal of fostering academic and economic success for all students. The Center aims to improve educational outcomes through student engagement, personalized pathways, and collaborative referral practices. 

    Our areas of focus include:

    • Support new, disconnected, or returning students to find an educational pathway that is aligned with their individual goals, strengths, interests, and needs

    • Where appropriate, support students’ transition back to an LPS school with internal supports or connect them with other schools or non-diploma (HiSET/GED) programs

    • Support schools to implement flexible pathways to success including competency based credit recovery, structured tiered intervention, and wraparound support

    • Provide pre-enrollment counseling for newcomer or new-to-Lowell students on the variety of educational options in the community to help inform their enrollment choice

    • Partner with other LPS departments and community agencies to develop responsive programs and systems in support of students with historically disproportionate graduation outcomes, including: Hispanic/Latinx students, multilingual learners (ML), students with limited or interrupted education (SLIFE), and Special Education

    • Recommend policy and procedural improvements to support equitable outcomes