More Information on Our Preschool Programs

  • Watch the video below to learn more about the Lowell Public Schools preschool program:



    Lowell Public Schools offers a two and a half hour integrated preschool program to children who are four years old by September 1 at the start of each school year. Each session (morning and afternoon) is staffed by an early childhood teacher and paraprofessional. Class sizes vary from 12-16 children per classroom.


    All children are given the opportunity to work in a small group with their teacher. Small group learning focuses on supporting all learners in developing emerging skills in language, literacy, and mathematics. Center-time activities provide children with many opportunities to practice skills through choice activities that foster peer interactions and social-emotional learning.


    Since all preschool programs in Lowell are integrated, additional opportunities for small group learning occurs in the classroom where speech and language, occupational, and other learning specialists may be working with a small group to support an individual child’s learning goals.


    Curriculum:  There are seven units of study in preschool.  Each unit of study is constructed around rich literature.  Picture books, predictable books, and non-fiction text are used to build children’s background and vocabulary.  Intentionally planned activities built around interesting topics are planned for whole, small group and center-based learning, providing many opportunities for children to interact with adults and peers using key vocabulary to build oral language.


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Why Preschool Matters

  • Preschool Makes A Difference
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