An effective SEL professional learning program provides ongoing, scaffolded, and comprehensive support to help staff understand their role in SEL and develop the skills, mindsets, and capacity necessary for implementation. This goes beyond teachers accessing SEL strategies in the classroom to ensuring staff at all levels across all schools have access to high-quality professional learning on SEL targeted to their roles and skill level.
A strong SEL professional learning program for school staff:
- Provides ongoing, scaffolded and comprehensive sessions, including regular opportunities for school leaders and teams to learn from each other.
- Ensures dedicated district staff members who plan, facilitate, and coordinate SEL professional learning sessions, and facilitators who represent the diverse backgrounds in the district.
- Embeds SEL practices and content throughout other professional learning programs in the district (e.g., core content).
- Ensures regular collection of data on the quality of SEL sessions and uses this data for continuous improvement.
Upcoming Staff SEL Offerings

Massachusetts Partnerships for Youth, Inc. is a non-profit 501.c(3) organization that provides training, fosters collaboration and develops programming to increase the health and safety of students. MPY is committed to bringing cutting-edge information and high-quality training to our constituents and endeavors to provide solution-oriented, community-based, multidisciplinary approaches to reducing and ideally eliminating risky behaviors for youth. MPY is governed by a Board of Directors made up of school superintendents, police and fire chiefs, and other community leaders who work closely with MPY staff to deliver this mission.
MPY Account Setup (Do this first)
MPY Dashboard Explained
MPY Webinars

edWeb's Social-Emotional Learning Community is a free professional learning community where educators can collaborate and share ideas, examples, and resources for incorporating social-emotional learning into the classroom. Social-emotional learning is based on teaching the “whole learner” and is essential for developing students’ self-management skills, decision-making, social and relationship skills, and student achievement. Through this community, learn effective strategies to incorporate social-emotional learning in your district, school, or classroom.