Change of Address

  • If you have recently moved, or you need to update the address Lowell Public Schools has on file, please fill out the Change of Address form and bring one of the following as proof of your new address to the Family Resource Center where the request will be completed:

    • Current gas, electricity, or cable bill (current is defined as issued in the past 30 days)
    • Current lease
    • Current mortgage statement


    If you are unable to provide proof of address, or you are experiencing housing instability, please contact our McKinney-Vento staff at:



    Frequently Asked Questions About Address Changes


    I am moving to a new zone.  May my child remain in their current school?


    I currently qualify as a McKinney-Vento family.  Will my child need to change schools when I move?

    • Families who are identified as McKinney-Vento do not need to change their child's school if they move.  The child is eligible to remain in their school of origin. Please contact our McKinney-Vento staff at if you have questions about school of origin questions. 


    I live in a shelter. What can I use as proof of address?

    • The shelter will provide you with a letter which we will accept as proof of address.  If you are in a shelter and the shelter will not provide a letter, or you would like to have a confidential conversation about your living situation due to safety concerns, please contact our McKinney-Vento staff at


    We live with another family. We cannot provide the required proof of address. What can we do?

    • If you are living with a Lowell resident and cannot provide proof of address, please contact our McKinney-Vento staff at