About Us

  • The Lowell Public Schools is committed to providing students with disabilities access to curriculum and general education programs. With a continuum of resources and services available. Lowell Public Schools will provide the instruction necessary to help students with disabilities close the gap between their skills and their grade level expectations.


    Special education support and services should not be viewed as a separate model, but instead as part of the continuum of supports, services and interventions created to ensure that the educational environment is responsive to the diverse learning needs of all students. Working together staff can ensure equal opportunity, full participation and increased outcomes for all learners, including students with disabilities.


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Contact Us

  • Department Phone: 


    Department Fax: 


    Athanasia Bousios

    Director of Special Education

    Phone: 978-674-4322
    Email: abousios@lowell.k12.ma.us



    Deena Meli

    Assistant Director of Special Education

    Phone: 978-674-2082
    Email: dmeli@lowell.k12.ma.us



    Paula Peters

    Assistant Director of Special Education

    Phone: 978-674-2105
    Email: paulapeters@lowell.k12.ma.us


    Kimberly Porter

    Special Education Family Advocate

    Phone: 978-674-2104
    Email: kporter@lowell.k12.ma.us


    Carmen Fontes

    Special Education Bilingual Family Advocate

    Phone: 978-328-9644 cell

    Phone: 978-674-2092 office
    Email: cfontes@lowell.k12.ma.us