Special Education Team

  • Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School

    Kindergarten - 8th grade


    Evaluation Team Chairperson (ETC) - Meghan Montour

    Psychologist -Martina Schueler

    Special Education Social Worker - Carolin Rosario

    Speech Language Pathologist  - (SLP) - Mike Dormer

    Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Lisa Taylor

    Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - (BCBA ) - Christina Welch

Available Special Education Programs

  •  The Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School is a Kindergarten through 8th grade special education program within the Lowell Public Schools. There are 5 classrooms, each consisting of 1 teacher and 1 paraprofessional. Staff to student ratios average 3:1, with a standard approximation of 6-8 students in each classroom. Laura Lee students have been identified with a primary disability of emotional, and require a higher level of structure and intervention to effectively participate in their school community. The program provides students with a holistic approach to personal development and academic growth. The goal of the Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School is to assist students in developing self-regulatory skills and strategies while generalizing pro-social behaviors throughout the school day so that they may return to a less restrictive setting. The Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School embraces student strengths through a positive behavioral support framework to help students self-monitor their behavior matched to the school’s guiding principles and mission.

    The mission of the Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School is to support students in building capacity in their social emotional development. We provide a safe environment combining core academic instruction with holistic learning opportunities where the members of our learning community can build new skills. We believe that prosocial behavior must be taught and practiced for students to internalize growth. The Laura Lee Therapeutic day school aims to support and challenge students to evolve in all areas of their personal development.