- Lowell Public Schools
- School Programs and Staff
- Bailey Elementary School
Special Education
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School Programs and Staff
- Bailey Elementary School
- Bartlett Community Partnership
- Butler Middle School
- Cardinal O'Connell Early Learning Center
- Daley Middle School
- Dr. Janice Adie Day School
- Greenhalge Elementary School
- Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School
- LeBlanc Therapeutic Day School
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lowell High School
- McAuliffe Elementary School
- McAvinnue Elementary School
- Moody Elementary School
- Morey Elementary School
- Murkland Elementary School
- Pawtucketville Memorial Elementary School
- Pyne Arts School
- Reilly Elementary
- Robinson Middle School
- Shaughnessy Elementary School
- STEM Academy
- Stoklosa Middle School
- Sullivan Middle School
- The Career Academy
- Wang Middle School
- Washington Elementary School
- Child Find
- Special Education Presentations
- Physicians Affirmation Forms
Special Education Team
Bailey Elementary School
Preschool - 4th grade
CSA program
Special Education Team
Evaluation Team Chairperson (ETC) - Kat Lamontagne
Psychologist - Martina Schuler
Special Education Social Worker - Stacie Geoffroy
Speech Language Pathologist- (SLP) - Danielle Carter
Speech Language Pathologist Asst.- Nathalie Mitri
Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Lisa Taylor
Occupational Therapist Asst. (COTA) - Diane Walker
Physical Therapist - (PT) - Barbara Stryker
Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - Maria Risko
Available Special Education Programs
CSA Program
Program Components: The Program for Children with Autism (CSA program) is a full day, five-day a week program during the school year with extended year services available with the team's recommendation. Instruction takes place in a small, highly structured environment with integrated therapeutic instruction embedded within the curriculum with goals established through assessment and data collection to reflect the individual needs of students. The program offers a small staff to student ratio where students are taught using a combination of small group and individualized instruction. Related support services include Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy as recommended by the Educational Team. Related service providers, building based teams (social worker, psychologist, ETC), BCBAs, District Behavior Specialists and the Autism Support Specialist collaborate with classroom staff to support the development and integration of skills throughout the school day.
The District Autism Support Specialist and the BCBA/District Behavior Specialists consult to our programs, attend IEP meetings, provide home support, and consult with parents and outside providers, as needed. They provide on-going staff training and in class support through modeling and coaching techniques.
Home component services can be provided using a consultation or direct in home service method. Staff work collaboratively with families to determine which method of home component services will best meet the needs of the family and student to provide the greatest benefits.