- Lowell Public Schools
- School Programs and Staff
- The Career Academy
Special Education
Page Navigation
- Welcome
- Enroll Your Child
- Parent's Guide to Special Education in MA
- Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards
- Community Resources
- SPED Summer School
- Special Education Resources
School Programs and Staff
- Bailey Elementary School
- Bartlett Community Partnership
- Butler Middle School
- Cardinal O'Connell Early Learning Center
- Daley Middle School
- Dr. Janice Adie Day School
- Greenhalge Elementary School
- Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School
- LeBlanc Therapeutic Day School
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lowell High School
- McAuliffe Elementary School
- McAvinnue Elementary School
- Moody Elementary School
- Morey Elementary School
- Murkland Elementary School
- Pawtucketville Memorial Elementary School
- Pyne Arts School
- Reilly Elementary
- Robinson Middle School
- Shaughnessy Elementary School
- STEM Academy
- Stoklosa Middle School
- Sullivan Middle School
- The Career Academy
- Wang Middle School
- Washington Elementary School
- Child Find
- Special Education Presentations
- Physicians Affirmation Forms
Special Education Team
The Career Academy
9th grade - 12th grade
Special Education Team
Evaluation Team Chairperson (ETC) - Marianne Simas
Psychologist - Marin Cleary
Special Education Social Worker - Karen Sullivan
Speech Language Pathologist - (SLP) - Lyndsey Cowan
Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Kelly Tavares
Physical Therapist - (PT) - Deborah Webster
Available Special Education Programs
The Lowell Career Academy offers a gateway for its students to achieve current goals through rigorous academics, exposure to career development and building the social-emotional skills needed to get there. Our students develop strong, healthy relationships based on respect and tolerance. They are inventive thinkers and attack all goals with tenacity and perseverance. By engaging and partnering with the community, we provide a comprehensive network of supports that traverse out-of-school barriers and prepare students for success beyond high school. The student’s Career Academy experience culminates as they embark on a path to reach their future goals of meaningful careers, maintaining solid relationships and being productive citizens.
Mission Statement
The Career Academy re-engages off-track students to become successful in a setting with increased supports, smaller classes, flexible scheduling, and competency-based teaching and learning.