Child Find

  • Child Find is part of the federal law, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Under this law, the district must identify, locate and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. To do so, all public-school districts must conduct “Child Find” activities. 


    It is the responsibility of Lowell Public Schools to identify any child who may have a disability who either:


    • resides in the City of Lowell
    • is in a district approved home-school program
    • who attends a private school within the geographic boundaries of Lowell (resident or non-resident)


    Child Find is an ongoing process directed by the Special Education Department to locate, identify, assess and evaluate (with parental consent) children and youth from the ages of 3-22 who may be eligible to receive special education services because they have a disability.  


    The Special Education Department of Lowell Public Schools is responsible for conducting Child Find activities to inform the public that every child with a disability is entitled to a free, appropriate public education designed to meet the child’s individual needs.  




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    Tracy Bowers

    Evaluation Team Chair

    Early Childhood Preschool



    Kim Travis

    Evaluation Team Chair

    Early Childhood Preschool