Special Education Team

  • Dr. Janice Adie Day School

    Lowell Day School for students with Autism

    Preschool - 12th grade


    Special Education Team 


    Evaluation Team Chairperson - (ETC) - Jen Blaschke

    Psychologist - Marin Cleary

    Special Education Social Worker-Rebecca Silva

    Speech Language Pathologist - (SLP) - Greta Simpson

    Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Krista Siopes-Clark

    Physical Therapist - (PT) - Debra Webster

    Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - (BCBA) - Emerson Jones

Available Special Education Programs

  • The Lowell Day School is a new Lowell Public School. It is a full day, five-day a week program for student’s preschool through grade 12 with Autism. The student’s unique needs can’t be met within the inclusion setting as they require a smaller setting with more individualized and specialized programming.

    The mission of the Dr. Janice Adie Day School is to provide students a structured learning environment that fosters independence with a focus on individualized student learning. Through the use of evidence based strategies, interdisciplinary team collaboration and consistency, students will focus on increasing communication skills in an attempt to functionally communicate wants/needs and decrease interfering behaviors. The use of systematic instruction and clear and consistent expectations assists the students in increasing independence in their daily routine, increasing academic skill acquisition and accessing a social skills curriculum that assists students in interacting and working cooperatively with others.