Transition Resources

  • Secondary transition planning provides support to students during their high school career plan for their future. Post-Secondary transition planning is important in helping students determine their path whether it be to continue on to college, start a new job or to prepare to live independently.


    Secondary Transition Planning After High School : Defined by DESE


    For Massachusetts students receiving special education services, Secondary Transition is a time that begins when they turn 14 (or earlier, if the IEP team agrees). From age 14 until they graduate or turn 22, students on IEPs receive transition services from their public school districts. Transition services are defined by federal law (the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA) as a "coordinated set of activities…designed to be within a results oriented process,…to facilitate the student's movement from school to post-school activities." Transition services are based on the individual student's needs, taking into account his/her strengths, preferences, and interests. These services help young adults to live, work, participate in the community, and go on to further education or training as independently as possible when they leave high school.

    For more information visit the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education