- Lowell Public Schools
- School Programs and Staff
- Bartlett Community Partnership
Special Education
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School Programs and Staff
- Bailey Elementary School
- Bartlett Community Partnership
- Butler Middle School
- Cardinal O'Connell Early Learning Center
- Daley Middle School
- Dr. Janice Adie Day School
- Greenhalge Elementary School
- Laura Lee Therapeutic Day School
- LeBlanc Therapeutic Day School
- Lincoln Elementary School
- Lowell High School
- McAuliffe Elementary School
- McAvinnue Elementary School
- Moody Elementary School
- Morey Elementary School
- Murkland Elementary School
- Pawtucketville Memorial Elementary School
- Pyne Arts School
- Reilly Elementary
- Robinson Middle School
- Shaughnessy Elementary School
- STEM Academy
- Stoklosa Middle School
- Sullivan Middle School
- The Career Academy
- Wang Middle School
- Washington Elementary School
- Child Find
- Special Education Presentations
- Physicians Affirmation Forms
Special Education Team
Bartlett Community Partnership School
Preschool - 8th grade
LEAP Program - Lifeskills, Education, and Planning
Special Education Team
Evaluation Team Chairperson (ETC) - Ashley Sears
Psychologist- Mellanie Eichelberger
Special Education Social Worker - Stephanie Gabriel
Special Education Social Worker-Rebecca Silva
Speech Language Pathologist - (SLP) - Alice Lee
Speech Language Pathologist- (SLP) - Gina Hathaway
Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Kelly Tavares
Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Jessica Spinazola
Occupational Therapist - (OT) - Susan McKenna
Physical Therapist - (PT) - Deborah Webster
Physical Therapist (Life Skills) - (PT) - Carol O’Neil
Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - (BCBA) - Heather Frugoli
Available Special Education Programs
LEAP Program
Lifeskills, Education and Planning
Mission Statement: The mission of the Lowell Public Schools LEAP (Lifeskills, Education, and Planning) Program is to provide students with cognitive disabilities with the skills they need to reach levels of independence and academic growth both within their school careers as well as in their transition to adult life. Our program accomplishes this goal through educational activities that integrate academic, social, recreational, adaptive, and vocational opportunities. These opportunities are developed through student participation in a structured environment based upon the student's individualized needs. We educate the whole student by working collaboratively with all staff, families, and community members. Our goal is to educate students who are ready to participate in their own personal next step in school leading toward adult life.
Program Description: The LEAP program provides students with an atmosphere that encourages independence and allows for individual success. Each classroom is staffed with a highly qualified teacher providing students with rigorous academic instruction. Classroom supports include a full time paraprofessional, Special Education Social Worker, Behavior Specialist or BCBA as well as occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech language therapists. The program is also supported by the building based team, which includes a School Psychologist and Evaluation Team Chairperson,
The Bartlett Community Partnership School, as well as our high school program also provides access to two special education nurses. Our students who also demonstrate medical needs beyond that which the general school nurse can care for will be placed in this building to ensure their healthcare needs are met.
The foundation of our LEAP program is centered and grounded on teaching procedures based upon the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA). Applied behavior analysis is the science of human behavior. ABA seeks to find ways of increasing behavior necessary for success (such as independence in academic and social skills) while decreasing behavior which interferes in independence and learning.